am / are / is / was / were 8

LET OP: verleden en tegenwoordige tijd staan nu door elkaar!

I : am, was
he,she,it : is, was
you,we, they : are ,were
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My name Sarah and my friend's name Milly.
We at the same primary school together a few years ago.
She my best friend then.
We still good friends nowadays.

What you doing when I walked in?
I watching TV.
What you going to do when the programme over?
I think I going to do some shopping.
you coming with me?

What in that box?
Oh, just some old stuff from school, I going to throw it away.
I found it this morning when I looking for my skates.
you going skating?
Yes, I very good at skating?
What about you, you good at skating too?
When I younger, I used to skate a lot.
Well, maybe we can go together, I leaving in ten minutes.